Well, the sun has shone on my birthday. I’m 55 going on 35 today, and I started the day off with a visit to the gym, 10 minutes on the exercise bike, 10 minutes rowing and half an hour on the treadmill.
I have been amazed by the number of birthday greetings I have received on Facebook today, there have been over 60 messages, and they are still coming in. I am very fortunate to have some great friends in many parts of the world. How did we ever keep in touch with each other before Facebook?
Today I have been working on the final edit for my first book, ‘Growing Forward’ – this will be completed tomorrow. The book WILL be out in July!
I also had some interesting telephone conversations about business, of which more later! Suffice to say that all the business connections that I am making at the moment are as a result of using my Passport Membership of 4Networking effectively.
I also had another two calls today about delivering my ‘From Borstal to Business…’ speech.
Tonight I am off to Cambridge City Communicators Toastmasters club to deliver a speech and get it filmed. If it’s suitable for human consumption it will be on You Tube in a few days!
Looking forward to spending the weekend with some special people – there will be a fair amount of celebrating going on there!
Paraphrase please