One of the most important parts of being a manager is that you need to be a great role model for your people. One of the best people managers that I ever worked with would always go and work ‘on a till’ in the front line for an hour or so every day. She would cover breaks, and would also cover a shift once a month when she gave her best mystery shop performer of the previous month the day off. Not only that, when this manager was on the front line she did everything just as she expected her people to do. She was a perfect role model. She always looked the part, and she walked the talk. We will come back to her, I’m sure, in future blog posts.

Contrast that performance with another, more senior manager in the same organisation. Word went around that the new CEO of the group was going to do a ‘back to the floor’ exercise as part of his induction. You wouldn’t believe the furore that caused, but that’s another story! The senior manager in the story turned up at one of the retail units for his day on the front line. As it was the first time he had ever been near a customer, an experienced member of the team had been assigned to look after him. He turned up tieless and as she put it ‘looking a bit the worse for wear’. He then spent most of the morning on his Blackberry, despite the fact that team members were not allowed to have mobile phones with them on the tills. He actually served two customers, very badly! You can imagine what this did for his reputation when the story got around the company. Are you a positive or negative role model as a manager?