Thank you for visiting my new website – I hope you will find it useful and that it will help you to make some progress towards your goals!
I recently made another change of direction in my life. At the age of 54, I realised that I was stuck in a job where I was unappreciated by my boss, wasn’t using my training, coaching and facilitating skills, and was turning into a person in a grey suit who goes into an office, sits at a computer and feels miserable all day. I had always promised myself that whenever a job became less than 25% enjoyable, I would look for something else.
For me, something else means self-employment, and I have set myself some quite challenging goals, including publishing a book during 2011 and helping people to change their lives using the public speaking skills that I have developed during my 7 year membership of Toastmasters International.
I will also be blogging about my own self-development experiences, customer service in organisations, and how I am progressing with my book. I need lots of people to nag me to get it finished! I look forward to reading your comments and hearing from you!
It’s looking rather good mate. I think maybe you could teach me a few things…
A great start Graham. You have all the skills, as well as the integrity and personality to go forward with this new and enterprising venture, as well as with your personal writing.
Best wishes. And we’ll be following your career!
Thank you – you know how much I value your opinion and it’s great to know that I have your support. Happy time of year!
Great website, Graham! All the best for 2011
Thank you Eileen – it’s great to know that I have all these friends supporting me in the background.
I left full-time employment nearly 6 years ago to follow my dream of running my own business with my husband. I have never regretted it and life just keeps getting better and better! Good luck Graham in your venture 🙂
Thank you Philomena – I value your support and friendship! What is the best piece of advice you could give to someone starting out on their own?