by Graham | Aug 25, 2011 | Customer service
I have met many managers in the thirty-eight years since I started work. Some of them have come up through the ranks of the company they work for and have an understanding of the front line of the business. Others are university graduates who sometimes have no more... by Graham | Aug 15, 2011 | Customer service
Last year I started my own professional speaking and training business and began writing my first book. In order to promote myself and my business I joined the national U.K. breakfast networking group 4Networking. One of the many benefits of this group is that... by Graham | Aug 8, 2011 | Personal development
How do you define success? Is it by the amount of money that you have in the bank, the size or quality of your house or car? Could success be defined by the ‘standing’ that you have in your local community, or in your workplace? Is success defined... by Graham | Aug 3, 2011 | Customer service
I watched ‘Undercover Boss’ last night as someone who was a customer of npower for eleven years. I became their customer because a very pretty and persuasive young lady knocked on my door in 2000 and sold me the deal. Would I have gone with... by Graham | Jul 26, 2011 | Writing my story
Travelling back from a 4Networking breakfast meeting in Dereham this morning I was listening to the car radio where there was a discussion on Digby Jones’ latest idea to introduce young people into the workplace at 14 years of age. Once I had got over my initial...