A Tale of Two Managers

Ben is a young employee of a coffee-shop chain. He works in a small branch near a railway station in Yorkshire, and most of his shifts are worked on his own, as the shop is seldom busy enough to warrant two members of staff being on duty at the same time. He is...

In A Land Far Away

In a land far away, there was once a young prince. While he was at university, he met and fell in love with a young girl who came from so-called common stock, and after a number of years, they decided to get married. There was much rejoicing in the ranks of the people...

On the Scrapheap at 54? No way!!

The other day I was out for a few beers with a friend of mine. Last year, he was made redundant by a company that he had worked for since the early 1980’s. He has enough money to live on, but frequently does work that he hates just to get out of the house. He...

What is a ‘Lowerarchy’?

  I was surprised to find that the word ‘Lowerarchy’ is in the dictionary. I’ll let you look it up if you are interested! I belong to a fantastic organisation called Toastmasters International which is nothing at all to do with people wearing red...


    Well, I had a fantastic week last week, everything seemed to be going my way. When someone asked me on Saturday how I was feeling, I replied ‘Buzzing’, and that word has been going around my head ever since. It’s great to be able to sit in my...