by Graham | Aug 3, 2011 | Customer service
I watched ‘Undercover Boss’ last night as someone who was a customer of npower for eleven years. I became their customer because a very pretty and persuasive young lady knocked on my door in 2000 and sold me the deal. Would I have gone with... by Graham | Jul 7, 2011 | Customer service
I just had to watch this week’s episode of ‘Undercover Boss’ on Channel 4 which covered, or rather, uncovered, the world of working for Ann Summers, the store and party plan... by Graham | Jun 14, 2011 | Customer service
From my time spent working in learning and development within major companies, I know that we are approaching the time of year when next year’s training budgets are being negotiated and improved. Anyone mentioning the very idea of delivering some customer... by Graham | Jun 6, 2011 | Customer service
I am often asked what I mean by ‘Customer Service Culture’. What I mean is that everyone in an organisation, no matter what size the organisation is, is dedicated to customer service and knows what their role is in providing excellent customer service.... by Graham | May 31, 2011 | Customer service
I have to ask this question. The powers-that-be at Ryanair may not like it, but I make no apology. Personally, I would never fly with Ryanair again unless I absolutely had to go somewhere and they were the only airline that flew there. I will explain the reasons for... by Graham | May 26, 2011 | Customer service
Last week, I met David Sampson at a 4Networking breakfast in London. David is the Local Director of MetroBank at the Cromwell Road store in West London. We got talking about customer service and found that we had a lot in common. David started telling me about how...