by Graham | Apr 18, 2011 | Customer service, Personal development
I was surprised to find that the word ‘Lowerarchy’ is in the dictionary. I’ll let you look it up if you are interested! I belong to a fantastic organisation called Toastmasters International which is nothing at all to do with people wearing red... by Graham | Apr 11, 2011 | Personal development, Writing my story
Well, I had a fantastic week last week, everything seemed to be going my way. When someone asked me on Saturday how I was feeling, I replied ‘Buzzing’, and that word has been going around my head ever since. It’s great to be able to sit in my... by Graham | Apr 4, 2011 | Personal development
I hope and believe that authenticity will play a growing part in the development of people and business in the 21st. century. In my opinion, the past few years has been notable for the number of ‘un-real’ success stories that have ended in tears. These... by Graham | Feb 28, 2011 | Personal development
I am delighted that The King’s Speech has won four Oscars to go with the myriad of other awards that this moving and inspirational film has received. I stammered as a child, and was fortunate enough to have parents who recognised the need to get me help. I... by Graham | Feb 14, 2011 | Personal development
All this talk about the Big Society has prompted me into print again! If you had said to me, ten or twelve years ago, that I would regularly get into my car, drive hundreds of miles and spend time helping people without receiving any payment for it, I would have... by Graham | Feb 4, 2011 | Personal development
Well, I might be going all ethereal on you here, but I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about the way I take care of my mind, body and spirit. It all started last Tuesday when I arrived at the end of the day and felt a bit flat. When I went back over the...