Happy New Year! You will say that to everyone you meet, probably until the end of January. When does it become too late to wish someone a Happy New Year?
I do it too – but what does a Happy New Year mean to you?
For me, having a Happy New Year means continuing my journey towards being the person I want to be. That changes every year too. Let me explain: Eight years ago, I gave up smoking and taking sugar in my tea and coffee on the same day. That was enough of a change for two or three years. I constantly complimented myself on my willpower and still do, but eventually I needed a new challenge.
Three years ago, I was on holiday in Portugal and caught sight of my reflection in a shop window. I looked like an overweight middle-aged man in my shorts and t-shirt. I was horrified, and resolved to do something about it. Now, 28 lbs. lighter, I have virtually stopped eating cheese, eat more than 5 portions of fruit and vegetables most days, and go to the gym at least three times a week. People tell me that I don’t look my age. I feel fitter than I have ever been, because I am.
Last year I met a friend at Covent Garden tube station in London. There is a lift there, or you walk up 193 steps. I chose the steps, for the first time in my life, and I made it to the top without taking a break.
That’s what Happy New Year is about for me. It’s about looking back and enjoying the great moments from last year, identifying what didn’t work, and making some commitments that you know are going to lead you to a Happy New Year.
I currently have three vacancies for coaching clients in the Cambridgeshire area, so if you feel you need some help with your Happy New Year, please get in touch – otherwise I hope you have a very Happy New Year!
“I chose the steps, for the first time in my life” It’s definitely good to make choices Graham, rather than being carried along in the dismal current of routine. Good on you!
I look upon you as someone who has made a lot of the right choices in life. If I can get to your age and have the level of fulfilment that you have, I will consider my life to have been successful.